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TUBBEASE Hoof Socks & Inserts

TUBBEASE Hoof Socks & Inserts


  • A revolutionary new rubber-dipped hoof sock which 'breathes' whilst still protecting and soaking the damaged hoof . The easy fitting sock is designed to be used in the treatment of the more common hoof injuries

    Invented by a New Zealand farrier in collaboration with a vet, the new breathable Tubbease hoof sock provides a hygienic and protected footbath environment for the hoof while the healing process occurs, without weakening and softening the hoof wall by ‘stewing’ it, explains product development manager, Jane Trowbridge.

    The Tubbease sock can be used as a dry dressing or a wet poultice. Not only is it highly effective, its EVA foam rubber sole-pad relieves pain for the horse whilst extending the life of the sock. It can be used with a range of remedies for ailments such as abscesses, thrush, seedy toe, thin sole, injuries, cracks and general hoof deterioration.

    The Tubbease will also provide protection after treatment and enhance the healing process. Whilst treatment of an abscess is a fairly standard procedure, once located and drained, the biggest issue is keeping the wound clean until healed. The fact that most horses are walking around in paddocks or other unclean areas provides a challenge for any treatment system applied.

    Unlike conventional methods of protecting the hoof during treatment the Tubbease sock is quick and easy to use and can be easily checked and re-applied. The soft conforming sock also reduces risk of skin chaffing. This is great news for everyone as it means better care can be taken of the healing hoof, leading to more efficient healing of the wound and a quicker return to normal for the animal.

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