- Premium supplement with an exclusive 4 in 1 formulation for any horse’s daily
needs. -
Contains vitamins, minerals and trace-minerals as a comprehensive ration balancer,
plus FABBY for digestion, Reboot HOOF+ for hooves, hair and coat and extra protein
and essential amino acids for body and muscle condition.
- A premium supplement with multiple dose rates to suit all horses, from paddock
ponies to racehorses.
Unique Design:
- Unique Supplement pellet technology ensures maximum potency and stability of the
nutrients for optimum benefit to all horses. -
Easy to feed and economical compared to feeding each supplement separately with the full benefit of the most popular Kohnke’s Own daily supplements.
- The 7 separate pellet blend provides a full dose of Cell Perform, a full daily dose of
FABBY, a maintenance dose of Reboot HOOF+ plus extra high quality protein and
added essential amino acids, all with just 2 scoops a day, a dose rate that is suitable
for equestrian horses in regular training and competition.